Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oh the woes....

I'm not sure the antics of turning 175 elementary kids into the 100 person cast of a musical production is the kind of thing you all want to read about, but it's what plagues my thoughts these days. Today we finished our dance auditions with 5th and 6th grades. Friday are the soloist auditions where all kids sing their 30 seconds as they compete for the top seat. After watching each of them dance, smile, sing, and shine - I'm stuck. My school seems to be overflowing with talent and somehow I have to eliminate. The other terrible thing is that I now know so many of the kids, either having taught them or a sibling, or having had them in a play before; and so the prospect of cutting every child is heart breaking. Despite all of that I am beginning to see my leads take shape. I think I could pick the big ones right now, if I had to, except the ever-important role of Annie - I just haven't found her yet. I'm hoping that Friday my thoughts will become actualities and I will find my shining star.

And now a note to the parents that read this...

One of my major woes over the last month has been teaching the election. Not because I don't love politics or I dread the discussion; in fact, I love teaching 5th grade because it is all about the evolution of our countries government. In my class we do an extensive unit where the kids parallel the real election with our class elections. We hold primaries, have debates, make posters, campaign, and the whole nine yards. It's a blast and we have so much fun! Until...we have to talk actual politics. You see one of the rules of my class is that you can have any opinion you want, as long as you support it with evidence. When it comes to our discussions of the the candidates that is where the evidence is consistently "Because my Mom and Dad are voting for him". I have so many kids who are staunch Republicans, and Democrats, solely and entirely because their parents are. When I ask them why? I get answers like "Because we're Mormon", or "Because we're conservative." And when I ask for more justification, I get blank stares. I am so happy that there are parents who talk politics with kids, and I think you should, but please - don't impose your views on your child. Teach your child how to come up with their own opinions. Let them know it's ok to think something different - because - guess what? - It is!! I'm never going to tell you who to vote for(ok, I will if you really want me to), but I am going to tell you to be an educated voter. But also be the educator of a future voter. They might be 10 now, but one day they'll be the President and when you ask them "Why are you a Republican?" I sure hope they don't say, "Because my mom said so."


The Johnson's said...

I have book fair on my brain, the whole jungle theme is taking over my every thought, so I hear you pain. Also, on 5th graders and elections, you would love to have Sam in your class, he is all for Obama, from the get go, no help from us. But the funny part is he does have reasons... some real... some made up from the voices in his head!

Mrs. Poff said...

Remember when we did was so obvious who Annie would be!

Heidi said...

Preach on sister! I hope the parents read and heed.