Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You Really Ought to Blog...

I've been pondering, puzzling, debating, and struggling over a new blog post. It's been a while; I like to keep things fresh, but, no matter the thought I put into it, I come up with nothing. It's certainly not because I'm sitting around twiddling my thumbs wondering what to do with life. In fact, my thumbs have been especially busy lately. Just this morning as I was driving to work I was pondering what to do for math that would be an entertaining review of Add/sub of Integers, when I thought of a swell holiday themed game, a game that would require me to die-cut and number 60 + shamrocks and about 30 gold coins, and hide them before the bell rang. I put my thumbs, and the rest of my fingers, to work and got it accomplished and it was actually a good game, and I am proud to say my kids can add/sub integers. Which meant that during math I had to do my before school chores of getting ready for "workshop" and figuring out whether to dance or draw magnetic fields. And with the play approaching (April 2-3 - so soon!!) I have my recesses fairly booked to organize costumes, do fittings, sort tickets, and build NY. By the time the bell rings I usually have 10 kids at my door that need "something" and we only have 12 minutes to get through them all. And so the day progresses, bouncing from one activity to the next; I made hats during writing, I built a powerpoint during Lit. Circles, I wrote a to-do list during an assembly. Frankly, I've been going all day, and so when I sat down to write this I reflected on a statement made by one of my students when we were brainstorming about Spring...as I called on him to share his idea for our web he said, "distracting, Spring is distracting!" And so all my random rambling, inability to focus, and last minute scrambling are the fault of the ever so present spring! Sorry, can't do anything to change the seasons!
(And Yes, I took this picture. It was a beautiful lily I planted last year that just sparkled one morning and caught my attention. Good thing I took the photo last year, this year I'm only growing dirt. Can't really blame Spring for that can I?)


The Johnson's said...

I felt the same way lately, we have tons going on, and have thought of many topics but then I just let it go. Maybe it's being super busy that is causing our lack of blogging? Anyhow, i'm passing on your class blog to some teachers at our school. And word is you put your house on the market, Good Luck!

Libbi said...

Someone came up to me at Samson's game, asked my if I knew you - and said, What a great teacher you are! You have their daughter in your class - brainless me, can't remember names, I know his son's 1st name is Tucker.

Kassie said...

yes spring is distracting!! i may not blog until fall!