Monday, November 8, 2010


The play has begun.
170 little dancers and singers.
1 down, 32 dances to choreograph and learn.
5 Bird Girl headpieces made, 20 more to go.
Yup, I love this stuff - sometimes I just need a reminder.

On another note;
It's the end of the term!
30 journals, math notebooks, math journals, Read-O Boards, and Interconnections notebooks to grade and get in the computer. Yeah!!!!
30 report cards to fill out
30 SEP's to prepare for

Oh, and we're building a Box City - in the next two weeks.

And, I found the perfect house in Logan, for such a great price - we just have the little problem of owning a home here, not having jobs there, having to live here until June... but it's so perfect! It has a two car garage AND a shop! That means you don't have to store wood in the living room, and kitchen, and shop, and guest bedroom. And, you can let the dogs out of the house directly into the backyard. I ask so little, I just want it now!

So, that's the update - exciting huh?

1 comment:

Laura said...

Your math is a little overwhelming. Must be tough to be so talented.