Sunday, June 30, 2013

The One and Only...

I chose to read this book after it was a huge hit in one of our 4th grade classrooms. The teacher, a lover of literature and ex-librarian, read it to her class and for weeks they would tell me about gorillas and silverbacks during my time with them. Then it went on to win her Sweet Sixteen of Literature, so it hit the top of my list (not to mention it's a Newberry Winner, and I always try to read those).

This sweet book is the tale of the One and Only Ivan, a silverback gorilla, who lived in a roadside mall. The story is told from his perspective and has such great voice that it truly makes you connect to him on a personal level. Ivan has spent most of his life with Mack, the keeper and owner, and has come to find his "domain" in the mall 'home'. But Ivan has a new visitor join their family of wild animals and a promise is made that changes his perspective on the future. Thankfully, Ivan is an artist, and his creativity saves the day.

I loved this sweet, and some times heart-wrenching story. Ivan is an old soul, with a warm heart. The characters surrounding him bring the story to life (especially Bob, the dog, who I imagine as a chihuahua with a mexican accent). There are some parts that are a bit more difficult to read, in relation to animal abuse, but the overall picture is positive. It also paints zoos in a good light, as these can sometimes get a negative reputation in the world of hippies and animals lovers.

Another great aspect is that they author took Ivan's 'voice' so literally it's written in short sentences and chapters, sometimes only a line or two, that each speak volumes. It helped make it a quick read.

Next Book: The Underneath by Kathi Appelt
Next Goal: All crib, all the time, all night? yeah right.

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