Friday, June 26, 2009

Jamie, You're not alone....

It was a good morning...5:45 am - Lunches had been made, Art had been fed and sent off to work, the dishes were done, the bread was proofed and rising, the laundry was started, the bed made, and I was just getting ready to sit down and eat my breakfast before we (the dogs and I) went walking. Just as I got the water added to my oatmeal, I turned around to put it into the microwave, whacked the dish against the fridge and sent the oatmeal flying. Yes, oatmeal flies.
It's hard to see in the picture, as oatmeal is beige (had it been hot fudge it would have been a better picture...) but from the above perspective, oatmeal covered the floor, garbage can, railing, wall, stairs, all the way up to the picture hanging above the stairway!
I don't know if you've ever had the opportunity to clean up oatmeal, but let me tell you this. It is not easy. It is neither dry, therefore flaking off; nor is it sticky, therefore easily wiped up, it is instead a vicious version of both...falling off the walls covering the stairs, while wedged into the cracks of every orifice.
So, now I've wiped up the kitchen floor, walls, railing, etc., vacuumed the stairs and succumbed to eating Apple Jacks - it was of course, the last packet of walk is now running late, but at least I got to make Jamie feel better about herself (only makes sense if you regularly read her blog), and I don't even have pregnancy brain to blame.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So it's summer, which means staying up late to enjoy those cool evening hours, and slowly crawling out of bed far into the morning. Well, that's what it means to MOST people...but me - not so much.

You see, Art is working a new schedule - his day starts at 6 AM and he works until 4:30, Monday-Thursday; then on Friday he works from 6-3:30; and on Saturday he works from 6-11:30... And with a 30 minute drive to work...that means we're all up at 5 - every day (and I mean every day, because by Sunday, my body and my dogs are so used to getting up at 5, that's what time we get up.)
I really don't have a problem with the morning - I'm an early bird. I function at 5 AM, however, I do not function at 9 PM, and this schedule is making it truer than ever.
Proof in point, last night we crawled in bed, cozied up in the blankies, shut all the blinds...and the room still sparkled with sunlight. As I got back up to find a way to block the light beating through the bathroom window, I glanced out to see that shining golden orb far from the horizon, over the fence the neighbor boy was mowing the lawn, out behind us the neighbor kids were busily scrambling up the ladder and going down their slide, a family rode by on their bikes, a few teenagers went skating past laughing, the world was still on the move, and we, well, I, was climbing in bed to join my already soundly sleeping was 8:30, and the young married couple with no children were off to sleep.