..When you spend nearly every waking minute working and writing, and it's the last day and you're sitting down for the first time to watch stupid TV, but then you remember you haven't returned to Walmart yet or been to the grocery story, so the sitting will wait a bit longer.
About a week before Christmas break I got asked to help write some arts curriculum for the Utah State Office of Education. It was a last minute deal because the person who was supposed to be working on this for the last year suddenly couldn't anymore. (Who knows? I didn't ask for the gory details)
I knew it was a big project and a quick deadline - January 4th -but I was going to have two weeks to work on it. What's a couple hours of curriculum writing? (times what feels like a million!)
I just finished (the 2nd draft of most and 1st draft of the last two units -and I am waiting for more revisions, but they're all written, so that counts as finished.)
I have written 10 weeks = 5 units = 40 lessons = focusing on Life-Skills and Visual Arts.
Had I known about this for the last year I would have had time to attend meetings, get 'the vision', understand the purpose. Instead I've had to interpret the emails of the State Arts Chair (I don't know if you know anything about working with 'arts' people, but they can't explain anything without lots of metaphors and images and pages of "imagine it...." It's like searching for a needle... in a fluffy yellow pile of bundled twigs intertwining like the coarse hairs of a lamb on a warm summer day moving through the breeze in soft breathy turns.... You see what I mean.)
So I'm going to Wal-mart (woohoo, so exciting) and then I'm coming home and hopefully my revisions will be here because in two days I have to go back to teaching and directing, and I haven't thought about ANY of that yet!