Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Note to parents...

It was midterms last week. I have been answering emails and notes and phone calls since. (Apparently we are meaner in 5th grade than in 4th)
And then I recieved this email, I have taken out names (not that anyone reads this at my school, nor that you would know them, but I did anyway)....
Note to parents.... please take a lesson from this one...

Ms. Reina
_______ came home today with his mid-terms. To make a long story short he cried pretty hard (please don't ever tell him I told you that). It was a FANTASTIC Love and Logic moment. His grades were, well needless to say, terrible. I couldn't have been happier. Before you think me an animal of a mother; I just have to say that he excels at everything he does and I have been hoping for some time that something would be hard for him so that he could learn early on that it's not always that way. Initially he felt very hopeless and said "well, this is what I"m going to get". After some discussion he made the decision that it would be best to make an appointment with you to try to clarify the grades and do some problem solving with you.

I LOVE THIS MOTHER, and more-so I love her child. He's one of my best students (he went out of town,it's hard to catch up, she's vowed NEVER to take her kids out of town during the school year again) I have to keep reading this when I get all the rest of the emails stressing about every little point.
Welcome to 5th grade, it's time to learn responsibility.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back at it again....

I've been thinking about blogging for the last few weeks, but I've had a terrible cold. And when I have a cold I find that a very good excuse for slacking on things - like exercising, planning, grading, and blogging.
I'm officially over the cold (thank heavens - knock on wood - PLEASE not again!), so it's time to get back at it.

That would be fine and lovely except it's not that easy.

You see, just about the time I get the school year really moving along, you know when the children are trained and doing what they are supposed to and you kind of have a clue about what you are teaching.... well, about that time every year is when I begin the play. (duh duh duhhhh - sorry that's just the sound effect in my head and my edit button doesn't click on until 6)

This year we are doing Seussical Jr!
It's an adorable play with SO MUCH cute music and lots of fun familiar characters. I am excited because it has such a great message and those are always my favorite productions.

We are also excited to be performing at Olympus High School this year! We were hoping to go back to Evergreen, but they were lame about sharing their stage and could only give us a date in November. (I would have been putting on the play in 2 weeks - yeah, I don't think so.)So we went to Oly and they were SO nice and helpful, so we're taking the show on the road. (We actually rehearse in our own gym until the last week then we get 5 days on the actual stage to build the set and rehearse - it's awesome! (note sarcasm)).

Tomorrow the auditions begin, which means I get to hear 150-200 kids sing and dance their very best in hopes of scoring the elusive JoJo part. It's great fun, and really hard.

So my point here (there is one), I now have a new reason to slack - it's play season. But I will try hard not too, because I love reading blogs and I feel like I should write one, just to be fair.