Wednesday, August 19, 2009

10 Things I've Learned....

  1. Don't complain about long boring summers, or they disappear.
  2. OCD organization can suck your life into a pit of labels and writing tiny numbers.
  3. 15 year old boys don't have appropriate labeling handwriting - but they're very good at sorting, whether they like it or not.
  4. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies don't freeze solid, and therefore defrost very quickly - in case of emergency
  5. It's difficult to tastefully pack your crayons, markers, and coloring to get you through a 5 hour faculty meeting
  6. Don't put names on things until the last possible second, the lists never stop changing!
  7. Sometimes To-Do lists become To-Do novels.
  8. Post-it sticky tabs are very expensive.
  9. Penny deals are worth it.
  10. I've worked 50-60 hours in the last 2 weeks getting ready to go back. I get paid starting today - classrooms don't come together in 12 hours - seriously people!