Friday, October 26, 2012

ok. skip to pictures...

I started to write the story of Miles' birth...I got through a paragraph then the realization of how hard it is to type with one hand, while nursing. So here are some pictures instead.
First day - all bundled up

 Bright eyes - they look blue, but we all know that can change. 
 Visiting with Aunt Heidi who changed stinky bums, helped with latching, and shared lots of love while Mom napped.
 There's nothing he likes more than sitting on his Papa's chest...
 All dressed, ready to go home from the hospital.
 Waiting until they say 'go' - and Mom gets a couple more shots...
Such silly faces and alert eyes...
So who does he look like??
more to come... when he's like 18 and I can type with two hands again...