Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This just got complicated...

So for the last few years I've used a website supported by the school to house my classroom webpage and blog. It was NO GOOD and very boring, so I finally shut that down and caved to a blogspot account for my class. The thing is, I don't want them reading this blog - you know all the juicy stuff I usually write on here - so I now have two accounts and two blogs and two sign-in's - SO CONFUSING! So if I comment and it says Mrs. Reina, it's just me, in teacher format. And if you want to know what 10-11 years write about on blogs, feel free to visit ours...trust me, it is SOO entertaining!


The Johnson's said...

I looked at your class blog, it is so great. I even read their comments, which sound like a certain 5th grader I know. In fact I'm going to tell Sam's teacher about it, I think it's a fun idea.

Libbi said...

I was just thinking you were using your "teacher voice" on the subject of screen time. It fit perfectly. Question - none of my kids are avid readers, they are all good readers but don't read for enjoyment. Your thoughts?

nielsons*love*family said...

i MAKE mine read for enjoyment! LOL
ok i am kidding! i have 2 good readers (who LIKE to) and 2, not so much (they don't care to read for enjoyment!)

The Johnson's said...

I am now staking you blog, I was peeking at your bookshelf today. Sam has been in reading tudoring for a couple of months now, and he's really becoming a great reader. So we are always looking for books, I'll have him give me some suggestions to send to your class.