Monday, March 1, 2010

My Personal Narrative

I have a narrative that runs through my head all day. And it is usually in the form of conversations I intend on having at some point. I am usually "talking" to Art, Judy & Marissa (my team), my dogs, my students, or Anna. I have these conversations going so often, that I often can't remember what I've said aloud, and what I've just 'thought'. This past week I've had to ask a student, twice, if I said something aloud, or just thought it. It's really an issue.

This week I've noticed my narrative has shifted primarily to 'blogging'... I've been 'thinking' what I should, or could, be writing here. But I never take the time to actually sit down to write it (mostly because it seems a bit inane to actually put into words), until I was sitting here enjoying my grapefruit when the narrative took over and I thought - Just Write it Down! Even if it's just about grapefruit. So here is a bit of the narrative in my head....My friend Marissa eats a grapefruit every day for lunch. We used to accuse her of being on the grapefruit diet, but really she just bought them at Costco and we all know what kind of a commitment you get from shopping at Costco. Each day she enjoys her grapefruit and manages to carry on a conversation and not make a sticky mess. Today I decided to have a grapefruit for my after school snack while I caught up on my blog reading. Let just say that outside the narrative running through my brain, I was not able to accomplish anything. And, I'm sticky, my desk is sticky, I shot grapefruit all over myself, and I haven't even gotten to the juice. I'm just not as talented as Marissa.

Today was Maturation. I enjoy maturation, but only because we have the funniest lady come and present. She takes a serious and uncomfortable situation and makes everyone giggle. It is always fun to watch faces turn red and girls look at their moms as if they might die, but we all survive. Maybe it's just the cookie that pulls them through.

Ok, that's all. Because it's the end of the day (yes 5:00 is approaching bedtime for me), and by this point, forming full and complete sentences is a chore. But I do feel better after having unloaded a bit of the narrative.


Laura said...

FYI: Grapefruit eating was a common occurance at the Paulsen house growing up. We all felt much healthier with a grapefruit by our plate Sunday mornings, and quite free to then gorge ourselves on Norwegian pancakes (they are not crepes. but they're a whole lot like crepes.) doused in butter, sugar, and syrup. The key was to eat the grapefruit first, before your mouth got coated with the butter, sugar, and syrup. Bitter much? Yes.

And on a side note, is that Anna the same Anna you've been best friends with since forever? Because that is one serious commitment to friendship. I'm impressed.

Laura said...

Also, (look at this exchange! It's like we're high school friends again! We should eat lunch in the library.) I noticed you have Peter and the Starcatchers on your bookshelf. Did you like it? Because I thought it was delightful.

Laura said...

@ Laura - good to hear it's not just Marissa, she's normal - for a Paulsen. And Yes, I loved Peter and the Starcatchers, I'm on the third, but got stuck in another series (the Benedict Society - which unbeknownst to me I am reading in backwards order.) Who would have ever guessed we hung out in the library?

Laura said...

And yes, it's the same Anna - we're not as good as we used to be (forever phone tag) - but we're still good friends!