Sunday, August 22, 2010

I thought....

I thought I was ready.
I thought I had labeled, organized, sorted, copied, cutified, and prepared until I could do no more.
I thought I was excited for somehting to fill each day.
I thought I had spent enough time buying school supplies and it was time to use them.
I thought I was bored reading, weeding, walking and baking.
I thought wrong.

I have to go to school tomorrow, and children will be there, and I"m NOT READY!
(I will be about 9:01, but until then I'm going to mope)


The Johnson's said...

Laura you'll be great as always! But where are the promised pictures of your room?

nielsons*love*family said...

i have to agree...i THOUGHT i was ready to "get rid" of my kids, and now i'm feeling a little sad this morning. :(
you will be great!!!

Libbi said...

Laura hope your first day went great! I need to bring you a treat!