Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Keeping Track

When we bought our last house it was very much a blank slate. Over the 6 years we lived there we made a lot of changes and improvements, and I have NO photos.
So I've decided I'm going to document and record the update of this house. Unfortunately for you that means all my blog posts will be remodel related. Not very entertaining, but I'm not really blogging for you -  it's for posterity.

Project 1 Begins:
Ok, not really project one, because it's just my project (this would be a subset of the bulleted list)...Anyhow. Our house is mostly white however the few rooms they painted are quite colorful. I like color - a lot, but it needs to be well chosen. And a bright orange bathroom is not well chosen. Tonight I started priming the bathroom and bedroom (it was a fine shade of green but not in a darker room - and green isn't a sleeping color to me...)
Before I could get painting I had to get the heat going (yup, I 'm handy like that) and do a little demo of the ugly shutters on the bathroom window. Then I removed the exorbitant amount of beige wall plates. Seriously -beige? Who has beige light switch covers and beige trim. Even Penny has white trim and she's the queen of beige. Anyhow, that's all getting remedied.

Next up, another coat of primer, real paint color, switch out the beige lights and plugs for white, and paint trim... all before Art gets here this weekend so he gets surprised. (No, he doesn't read our blog, I am not ruining the surprise.)
I'll be adding empty house photos soon - It's very different totally empty.

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