Sunday, December 4, 2011

All By Myself...

Yesterday Art worked on framing out the final column and building the pony wall. Now, I can assist in this. I actually built the smaller beam; however, two people working within the same 12" space is a little much.

On top of that I have finally figured out a way to attack the "remains of the wallpaper"... I actually got all the wallpaper off (do you hear the angels singing Hallelujah? Cause they are...) However, when I went to take off the teddy bear border, what minuscule parts I could find to peel off, it pulled beyond the wallpaper, and glue and took of the paper layer of the drywall - Kind of a problem. So I figured out this grand plan to solve the issue with chair rail and trim.  On Thursday I got all the tools out, all my stuff ready - and then determined I wasn't exactly sure how to fire up the compressor, annnnd I knew the stress that would occur if I broke a tool. So, I stopped and I waited until an expert could be consulted. Thank heavens I married an expert. Yesterday he gave me a little tool instruction, some tips on process, and a lesson on scarf joints - and Wa laaa - I did it. Ok, most of it, I still need to add all the vertical pieces, paint, and then add the lower runners and the base - but I can do it, and I already did most of it all by myself.

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