Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Use your imagination...

I just got back from a fun "vacation" to Salt Lake, but I forgot my camera, so I'll do my best to provide a thorough description.

We rode down Friday with Sharon (she had to pick up a friend at the airport) and spent the evening on the porch, visiting Grandma  & Grandpa Great(and some others) and having some Chinese food. Miles did not like the grass, so he stayed on the blanket and played with me and Olivia (she's the best baby-sitter).

Saturday we had a Ladies Lunch/Cousin Visit so we did a little cooking in the morning, Miles napped and I went to Costco ALONE! We had a nice visit with all the cousins.

Sunday we went to church, made Sunday dinner and I made my mom re-do her cookbook because it was a mess and she had 100+ recipes she would never make. There was actually a lot of "ick, I'd never eat that" as she sorted and tossed. It is now typed, organized, and condensed to only her best recipes (and by recipe I mean list of ingredients with vague or missing instructions.)

Monday I met up with some friends from William Penn at the park for a play date. Then my mom, Shelby, Roxy, Heidi, Miles and I went out and had some lunch and did a little shopping. After several poor naps I decided to load up and drive home last night. We were greeted by a very anxious papa who was really missing his boy! (and maybe me too.)

Here's all the great pictures:

Here is a picture of Miles, Cody and Andy all in their Alligator shirts (aren't they cute!)

Here is a picture of the "Water Park" they built complete with slide, splash pool and fountains. (Sorry about the water drops on the camera lens, there was a lot of splashing going on!)

Here is a picture of me and all my cousins hanging out on the porch talking about trips, backpacks, and Jamie sleeping and crying. (See how we're laughing hard!)

Here is a picture of Mom's "new kitchen" filled with people and how great it works without the wall in the way. (Great camera angle of the big space, don't ya think!)

Here is a picture of Miles playing with Roxy and Shelby (his favorite cousins cause they're so good at quiet playing). He liked to crawl all over them, laugh at Roxy's silly dog sounds, and crawl straight towards Shelby until they were nose to nose. They had him giggling and having so much fun, and I got 10  whole minutes that he wasn't clinging to my leg (did I mention the 'clingy stage' kicked in while we were in Salt Lake)

Here is a picture of William and Miles playing. William thinks he's REALLY BIG in comparison to Miles (he's 1 year older) and liked to show him how to do things, like crawl on the grass (Will really did get down and crawl on the grass like he was teaching Miles, then Miles got over his fear, no more blanket safety). Will also went into the house and dragged the basket of toys all the way through the house and out to Miles so he would have something to play with. (What a great picture of two cousins who will hopefully be great friends)

Ok, this is getting depressing, now I'm just sad I don't really have these pictures. I guess we'll just have to do it again!

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