Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Weekend

I was very lucky, and excited, to have a 3-day weekend. I had a whole list of things to accomplish on Friday while Art was at work, but he surprised me Thursday afternoon by telling me that he had Friday off too! Which meant, no play - all work. You see about 3 weeks ago we ripped everything out of our upstairs bathroom and began a big remodel. It is one of two big jobs to complete this fall in order for the house to be "done".

So we got up Friday and headed to the tile store to pick out the shower and floor tile. After hours of math and figuring we came up with a great pattern for the shower. We spent the rest of the day putting in a new bathroom window. While Art carefully leveled and attached the window I got to rip out the last pieces of drywall so we can put in Hardi-backer. We discovered that we are going to have to do a little re-plumbing as we have installed a slightly larger tub than before.

On Saturday, Art went shooting with Branden and friends from work, they had a great time. (Art has bruises on his shoulders!!) I went shopping with Heidi and the kids. Nothing like Target bargains to please us and drive the kids nuts! When we got home we went back to the bathroom for a little more figuring...

Anyhow, that's how exciting our weekend was. That's how things go around here, we get into a project, spend all of our time doing it, and when it's done and the relief comes, we start a new one. So tonight as I blog, the rest of the family is crashed in the living room, and I'll be joining them shortly!
(Rudy is the CUTEST puppy ever! He was tired from playing with Maybelle at Grandma's)


Mrs. Poff said...

I go back to work on Wed...I will start looking forward to three day weekends again...but mine will be used to catch up on cleaning...national boards....
I want to see pictures of the bathroom when it id finished!

The Johnson's said...

So what your saying is... you guys are just like Becky & Mark! Heard you might put your house up sale when your done, is that true? About Jess we only met him yesterday, nice guy, just took us all by surprise.