Thursday, January 1, 2009

Another new year...

I must join the throngs of people who hate this holiday - Who does like New Years??? (I was in bed by 10, but Max had me up again at 12, and 1, and 3, and.... anyhow...)

Like it or not, it's here and it's a time to reflect and move on. We've had a good year, we are very blessed in our life and lucky to have our home, jobs, and a great relationship. I can't say that 2008 ended on the highest note what with being sick, job-stress, never-ending remodeling projects, and a very old and dying dog - BUT we are very excited for the guaranteed changes of 2009.

Here's our goals/plans for the year:
1 - The Peanut!!! However she (this is hopeful on Art's part) comes - we're planning on easy and natural (positive thinking works!) - we are so excited to see what she looks like, find out all about her personality, and all the rest of that fun stuff that comes with being a parent! (Me, a parent???)
2 - Sell the House!! We just have about 5 million projects to finish before we list the house in February, and then we are HOPING it sells!!!
3 - Move to Logan.... We're ready for small town living, a cheaper house, USU, and a new adventure.
4 - New Jobs - Art is looking for a new career where he only has to work when he wants, makes lots and lots of money, and can still be a stay-at-home-papa. I am hoping everything works out for me to be the drama specialist at Edith Bowen Lab School, if not I'm good to teach anywhere - but it would be such fun to just be 'dramatic' all day...

- ok, so that all has to be done, here's what we'd like to do...-

5 - Train the dogs!!! Rudy can get away with anything - stinkin' puppy dog eyes!
6 - Go to the temple monthly...
7 - Save money and pay off bills - who doesn't need to do that??
8 - Learn to relax (ok, that's just for me, Art has already mastered this...)
9 - Try to get through the giant stack of books to read so my kids will stop pestering me for a discussion about all their favorite new books...
10 - Take time to enjoy life...You only get one chance, might as well live it happily.


nielsons*love*family said...

happy new year.
your dogs are preparing you for the new baby AND
when Art finds that job with few hours and great pay will you tell him to call Kyle ??
thanks~ :O)

Kassie said...

Hope Max is ok today... thanks for sharing your list for 09' now we will tally up in a few months and see how things are going... please relax!! I hate that you are moving but i am proud of you for are going to be a great ma!