Monday, September 22, 2008

Yes, I cheer.

This week is Spirit Week at the ol' Penn (aka the Penn-itentiary) and we are gathering our spirit for the big walk-a-thon on Thursday. One of the many requirements of the week is to create and perform a class cheer. Yes, a cheer. I presented this idea to my class last week, with an unenthusiastic sigh. I tried to explain to them that I am the farthest thing they can think of from a cheerleader. I tried to tell them I spent hours looking over cheerleaders, TRYING to ignore them. I tried to explain that I despise RaRa's, but they said, I still had to cheer.

So I set them to coming up with ideas, I do not have cheer writing capabilities. They came up with some very interesting thoughts. I told them to keep brainstorming. Today we presented ideas, voted, and tried to compile our thoughts to one cohesive cheer. The main problem was that they were all cheering about me. Just me. Now I know I am one amazing and incredible teacher, but an entire cheer about how Mrs. Reina is 'da bomb'? So we did some rewriting, and a whole lot of laughing. I moaned and groaned, they sissed, boomed, and bahed. After an hour (yes, we skipped science for cheer writing, there are a few things wrong with public education) we came up with a cheer. Are you ready? It's fantastic. I had to 'perform' it several times in leading the group, you really should have been there. So here is it is, our cheer:

We're no fool
We think school is cool
Personal Best under Reina's Rule
We recycle each week,
like a QB Sneak
We're gettin' real smart
Cause we learn from the heart
We got Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?
We got REINA!

Ok, Ok, it really lacks without our personal style, or as we explained it White-kid-wanna-be-gangsta-style. But trust me, we're good. Ok, truth is, they're good. I just can't stomach it, I can't even do it with a really cheesy attitude, it's like stooping to a level I just can't access. So yes, I can cheer. But only those 31 very privileged 5th graders will ever see it.

G'nigt, it's 34 minutes past my bedtime...


Anonymous said...

Truth be told, any student you ask personally whether they'd rather write lyrics as a group, by themselves, or read lyrics a teacher has written; group generally is a winner.

Not sure why. 5th grade brain anatomy didn't make sense at the time, and doesn't make sense anymore either.


Mrs. Poff said...

RAH RAH RAH keep cheering Laura... you know you love it.


Yeh, I found another family memeber.. What well behaved dogs to be posing so well on the porch..

JGEM said...

You missed your calling in life!